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little kayaking adventures.

Not all adventures are on foot.

I grew up near a river, at the age of three I spent months at the edge of the river near my house waiting for my dad to paddle down as my photographer mom took photos.

With a dad as a raft guide and a mom as a photographer, our life was one big adventure. Living near a river at the base of Canadian mountains was dream, long days in the hot sun sitting on the rocks eating trail mix and water melons was my childhood! The ocean/rivers and mountains are tied, with a very close place to my heart!

I used to love raft boats and had been on my fair share at a young age, but it wasn't until this past year that I went kayaking for the first time. I guess it was in my blood, but as soon as I gripped the paddle I knew kayaking was my newfound love.

The Australian lakes and ocean aren't exactly like the Canadian rivers but the couple of five day trips I have taken this past year, have brought so many fond memories of my childhood back and I am soooo excited to go on more adventures not just on foot but now on water as well!

Lake Eildon;

French Island;

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